Advertise your business, your promotion or event with a dedicated E-Blast to our 1,500 email subscribers !
An E-Blast includes:
The average open rate for our E-Blasts is 40%.
Typically we send out E-Blasts on Fridays. Our e-newsletter, the Monday Motivator, is sent each Monday
The cost of an E-Blast is $100 and is invoiced to you on the day we send out the E-Blast.
For more details on sending out an E-Blast, how to go about getting on the E-Blast schedule and what we require from you, contact Jillian Nolan, Chamber Operations Manager at 248 693 6300 or Typically, we like at least a week’s notice (and the print ready artwork/graphic/advert) before you would like an e-blast to go out.
Please note: E-Blast content has to be pre-approved by Chamber President & CEO, Joyce Donaldson, before being sent out.